Our Frequently Asked Questions


What are the steps involved in microblading?

Colorlib Template

Step 1: Color Consultation

We'll work with you to find the perfect color and look for your brows.

Colorlib Template

Step 2: Facemapping and Preparation

We do a comprehensive facemapping so you can get an idea of what the brows will look like. Then, we apply a topical numbing cream (Lidocaine) to the affected areas.

Colorlib Template

Step 3: Blading and Touch Up

The entire process takes 2-3 hours depending on the brows. The skin will fully heal between 28-30 days and then we apply a touch up.

How long does microblading take?

Microblading takes 2-3 hrs depending on the clients brows.

How long does it take for brows to heal after being microbladed?

Brows heal in 28-30 days. Scabs typically fall off by day 11.

How often do I need touch ups on my microbladed brows?

Brows need to be touched up anywhere from 1-3 years depending on your skin type.

What is the difference between microblading and powder brows?

Microblading is a semi permanent tattoo of hair strokes that looks very natural. Powder brows is done with a machine that creates more of a dramatic make up look and is also permanent however touch ups are suggested every few years if necessary.

Permanent Lips

How many sessions do I need for a lip blush (permanent lips)?

Lip blush typically looks great with 2 visits.


How long do hair extentions stay in hair?

I typically use Cinderella hair and and it can last any where from 4-6 months if taken care of properly.